The Autumn is a brandy and sherry-based cocktail recipe that was created by Naren Young at Empellon in New York City, New York. This variation was adapted from, an online guide to good drinking and great living.
The Armada
The Armada is a Campari-based cocktail recipe that was created in 2010 by Lynnette Marrero in New York City, New York. This variation was adapted from the book Mezcal + Tequila Cocktails: Mixed Drinks for the Golden Age of Agave by Robert Simonson.
Rum & Raisin Flip
The Rum & Raisin Flip is a rum and sherry-based cocktail recipe that was created by Jassy Davis. This variation was adapted from her book Winter Warmers: 60 Cosy Cocktails for Autumn & Winter.
Fangorn Forest
The Fangorn Forest is a gin and sherry-based cocktail recipe that was created by Alex and Kendall of Sips From Scripts. It was inspired by Treebeard, the oldest of the Ents from the original The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and was published in honor of the release of The Rings of Power show.
Lost Voyage
The Lost Voyage is a rhum agricole and sherry-based tiki cocktail recipe that was created by Michael Kotke at Foundation Tiki Bar in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This variation was adapted from Easy Tiki: A Modern Revival with 60 Recipes by Chloe Frechette.
Barber of Seville
The Barber of Seville is a sherry and whiskey-based cocktail recipe that was created by Will Elliott at Maison Premiere in New York City, New York. This variation was adapted from The Essential Cocktail Book by the editors of PUNCH and Megan Krigbaum.
Second Serve
The Second Serve is a sherry-based cocktail recipe that was created by Dan Greenbaum at Attaboy in New York City, New York. This variation was adapted from The Essential Cocktail Book by the editors of PUNCH and Megan Krigbaum.
King Neptune’s Tonic
The King Neptune’s Tonic is a sherry and rum-based cocktail recipe that was created by bartender Karen Fu in New York City, New York. This variation was adapted from Winter Drinks: 70 Essential Cold-Weather Cocktails by the editors of PUNCH.
Weeknight Wassail
The Weeknight Wassail is a hot apple brandy and sherry-based cocktail recipe that was created by the editors of PUNCH. This variation was adapted from their book Winter Drinks: 70 Essential Cold-Weather Cocktails.